Family Storytime Spotlight: Sticks and Snow

It's been awhile since I shared a flow storytime plan! Here's a fun one involving sticks, hats and snow. I presented this plan to a mixed-age Saturday storytime group on a snowy spring day: Rhyme: Bread & Butter (Rhythm Sticks)* My Saturday storytime volunteer passed out rhythm sticks as the families entered the room and… Continue reading Family Storytime Spotlight: Sticks and Snow

Toddler Storytime Spotlight: Snowy Stories

I'm baaaaaaack with another snow-themed storytime plan! Sing: Now It's Time to Say Hello* Welcome/Introduction Sing: Hello, Hello by Nancy Kopman Set Expectations Sing: What's Inside My Story Bag?* Read: Bear and Hare: Snow! by Emily Gravett I love the Bear and Hare books for toddler storytime! After reading the story, we recalled all the… Continue reading Toddler Storytime Spotlight: Snowy Stories